Wednesday, 11 May 2016

Sunflower Seeds Planting - both schools 6.5.16

We are all planting sunflower seeds and measuring which school will be able to grow the biggest sunflowers. Here is the planting activity in Central Model school and Maindee.

Thursday, 24 March 2016

Hi Central - Model. In Maindee we are breaking up for Easter today. We have been making Easter cards. We now have two weeks off school. The weather isn't very warm though. This afternoon we will be eating some Easter eggs. Do you like chocolate too? From 5W
Happy Pakistan Day from Maindee School

Friday, 18 March 2016

women day celebration

my dear freinf Miss Slina wells our school celebrate international women day our students clebrate this day with different countries and they get global education through this activity dear i share also with your school hope your students like the activity about this day

all we did in our fairtrade breakfast 

today when we came to school we brought our parents in to our class at 8.40am.then we did the register together then we watched a video about fairtrade.after my teacher as you know mrs wells she told us what fairtrade was.after miss told us what food miles was it is basically your food travelling to your plate.

Friday, 11 March 2016

Here is a video from Central Model School showing a cultural activity

At Maindee we love to learn in different ways - IT,  Problem Solving,  special themed days and so on. Please see our photos.

Hello and welcome to our new blog between Maindee Primary School, Wales and Central Model School, Pakistan.